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Lifeguard Courses


Bronze Cross Lifesaving Course

Bronze Cross (BC) is designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training, including an introduction to safety supervision.

The Lifesaving Society’s BC begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. BC emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. BC is a prerequisite for advanced training in the Society’s National Lifeguard and leadership certification programs. This course has a timed swim of 400 meters in 11 minutes.

Courses taking place at White Rock, students will be swimming in the ocean.

Students will need to have their own whistle which can be purchased online at  

This course is worth TWO (2) Grade 11 High School Credits & is the required pre-requisite for the National Lifeguard program.


Prerequisites: Bronze Medallion certification

How to Become a Lifeguard  
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